ISSUE #07 — JULY 2014
On the cover: Alyssa Arce photographed by Nikki Krecicki
This edition features the amazing work of many talented up and coming artists and photographers as well as established creatives from Australia, Italy, Netherlands and the United States (full list at right). We also have one of our coolest covers to date courtesy of Playboy Playmate July 2013 and all round mega-babe Alyssa Arce!
Brandon Ancone — Daniel Choe — Emma Armstrong — Gaia Alari — Steve Tierney
Artist Interviews:
Atomic Element— Brittany Ann Ryan
Photography (short features):
Alexander Saladrigas — Ben Horton — John Ellis — Levon Muradian — Terrance Williams — Tyrone Lavigne
Photography (feature editorials):
Benjamin Smith x Ashley Rogers
Drew Wheeler x Rhiannon Tragear-Ragg
Kwabena Appiah-Nti x Vivian Hoorn
Ming Nomchong x Sarah Holt
Moisnomois x Brittany Ann Ryan
Nikki Krecicki x Alyssa Arce
Sarah Lovrien x Katherine LaPrell
Steve Fan x Beth
Studio Flamingo x Ruby and Steph
Read: Online at [not available]
Buy: Printed on demand via [sold out]
Specs: 138 pages — Digest size — Perfect bound